Thursday, June 13, 2013

We Still "Niggas"?

The issue over use of the "N" word has been ongoing for a while.  It is not a new idea nor is it a new issue.  Just a couple of years ago, the NAACP had a funeral for the word in a ceremonious, public display to do away with the word as such and to encourage every individual, including African Americans, from using the word. 

Some popular celebrities such as Jay-Z, have said use of the word is acceptable, as "we have taken the word back and made it something we say between friends."  However, those who remember the the bitter and cruel days of segregation in the United States, especially find it to be appalling and harsh to hear.  

It was the recent words of Dr. Maya Angelou in her adept and concise explanation of why the word should not be used anyone that prompted me to add this discussion.  Dr. Angelou said this, " if  I took something with skull and bones labeled 'poison' and served it in Bavarian Crystal, would it be less poisonous?"

WOW! SO simple yet so profound, and so many of us miss this as the truth of the word that keeps circulating in culture and communities while we allow ourselves to become numb to the fact that it is a poison that is tacitly denigrating our souls.  We must do better, and educate ourselves and the coming generations of the sacrifices that were made and the pains that came with the hearing of that word.  Especially this the hour of the 50th Anniversary of the historic speech from President John F. Kennedy after the acts of the Governor of the state of Alabama.  George Wallace, the then governor of the state of Alabama, on June 11, 1963, Wallace stood in the doorway of the University of Alabama's Foster Auditorium to keep Vivian Malone Jones and James Hood from enrolling for classes.

The students were escorted into the building past Wallace by federal officials and eventually enrolled. 

Hours after this event President Kennedy made is his speech on Civil Rights.  And just a few hours after President Kennedy's speech aired, Civil Rights Activist Medgar Evers was assassinated in his driveway in Mississippi. 

So it would seem as a dishonorable to consider these brazen individuals who faced such overt disrespect and abuse with tireless intrepidation to continue to pretend that poison by any other presentation is not poison.  Poison in Bavarian crystal is as lethal as poison from a flask properly labeled. 
Procession of Medgar Evers funeral.

Medgar Evers Protesting InEquality.

Myrlie Evers, Medgar's widow at his funeral.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

We Should Pray: Romans 13:1

In this tumultuous time, in the midst of the things that are occurring- natural disasters, election season, wars around the world, we must not forget that we must pray.  We get so caught up in our own ideologies and precepts that we don't remember what the LORD has said about our governing bodies,
"Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God." - Romans 13:1

Now we all love this scripture when the person we vote for makes it into office and is receiving criticism.  But what about when it is someone we don't agree with?  What happens when the other party wins?  We all have various beliefs and ideologies.  And of course we all want to win and have things our way.  Yet, at the end of the day we should pray.  The scripture doesn't tell GOD's people to shift things with partisan politics, but it does tell us to pray. And that prayer can and will change things.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14
So I am offering a prayer for our president.  It is our responsibility to lift him up in prayer and in love.

Dear LORD,
We just ask that you touch our President, Barack Obama.  Lord we ask that you be a hedge and a fence around him.  We cancel every satanic assignment  against him, his life and his family.  Every assignment of assassination   Every assignment of sickness.  Every mind hindering assignment.  Lord we ask that you speak to him even as he sleeps.  Raise up GODly counsel to minister to him.  LORD lead him into your presence and allow him time to shut him self into his prayer closet and seek your face.  

We loose warring angels and ministering angels to war on his behalf.  We cancel every assignment over his children and wife, every assignment to distract him through them.  We post angels with his family to keep them as well.

LORD speak to him, even as he sleeps, let him be a vessel in your hands, fit for your use.

In JESUS name we pray,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Miss Millie Still Needs a Maid

Many of us remember the classic "The Color Purple".  One of the most memorable scenes in it for me has always been the one with Miss Millie(Dana Ivey) and Sophia(Oprah).  For those who haven't seen the movie or don't remember here is a brief recap.
 Miss Millie is the wife of the mayor of the town where Sophia lives. Miss Millie is racist and condescending, but she admires the cleanliness and good manners of Sofia’s children, so she asks Sofia to be her maid. Sofia replies, “Hell no,” and is sent first to jail, then to Miss Millie’s, where she ends up working as her maid after all.  Miss Millie considers herself very liberal, tolerant and humanitarian, because she does things like organize fundraisers for black children, but she reveals her own behavior to be somewhat deceptive and phony.  Later as she is trying to drive herself back home after dropping Sofia off for her first holiday visit with her family in years she has problems getting the car to cooperate because of her lack of experience and talent with driving. As Sofia's family members, most of them men, try to help her get started her true self comes to light.  She begins panicking and shouting "I'VE BEEN GOOD TO YOU PEOPLE!!!" in her presumption that all a bunch of black men would be trying to do to her as a white woman is "attack" her. She then goes on to state plainly that she won't allow any black person, especially a black man, she doesn't know to drive her home alone, even if it is one of Sofia's family members and insists that Sofia be the one to do it. Despite the fact of her believing she is progressive she is still a bigot and is actually a hypocrite.
So what is the point?  With the ridiculous amounts of blatant racist propaganda coming from the elected Republican officials,  I feel compelled to write this, more to inform and educate people, since these individuals keep claiming ignorance as their excuse! But considering the ages of these idiots, claiming to be unaware of the offensive nature of these remarks is preposterous.  First, allow me to introduce to some and present to others this special class of racist moron that has been parading around in political arenas, nore noticably now in recent years.  

Mayor Gary Frago
In Atwater City, CA Mayor Gary Frago  sent at least a half-dozen e-mails to city staff and other prominent community members containing racist jokes aimed at President Barack Obama, his wife and black people in general.
The emails reportedly were sent between the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009.  Some compared Obama to O.J. Simpson while others suggested that "nigger rigs" should now be called "presidential solutions."  Frago also sent an email that read:  "Breaking News Playboy just offered Sarah Palin $1 million to pose nude in the January issue. Michelle Obama got the same offer from National Geographic."  Frago admitted sending the e-mails, but showed no regret. "If they're from me, then I sent them," he said. "I have no disrespect for the president or anybody, they weren't meant in any bad way or harm."

left side of pic old ads from 1800's-1960's
right side pic sent from Grose
Mayor Dean Grose
After sending a picture of the White House  with watermelons on the front lawn with a caption that reads: “No Easter egg hunt this year" to people, Grose apologized for the email and has stepped down as mayor.  In his so called apology Grose said, "he wasn't aware of the racial stereotype concerning the watermelons."  To add insult to injury, this idiot sent the email to Keyanus Price, a local businesswoman and city volunteer who is an African American.  Though Grose stepped down as the mayor, he retained his seat on the city council and was able to cast a vote for his replacement.

Representative Marilyn Davenport
right side is photo sent by Davenport
left side is ad from late 1800's

 Then of course there is the other CA representative, Marilyn Davenport. Hmm yes, she is the one responsible for sending the email depicting Obama's face on the head of a monkey in a supposed family portrait.  The caption read, ""Now you know why -- No birth certificate."  Davenport said, "I'm sorry if my email offended anyone,  I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth.  The thought never entered my mind until one or two other people tried to make this about race."  Davenport then accused the media of "making much ado about nothing," and indicated she would hunt down the "cowardly" person who leaked the contents of the e-mail.  When Dean Grose came under fire in 2009, Davenport defended him.  She is also noted as defending former Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols   for making an offensive remark about Mexicans.  Davenport at the time of this writing has refused to step down despite her local party censuring her and asking her to and following 2 public apologies.

Rep. Sally Kern

from the "March on Washington
Wednesday, August 28, 1963

 And it's not just Californians. Ok State Representative Sally Kern recently said that minorities just don't work as hard as [their white counterparts].  "I taught school for 20 years and I saw a lot of people of color who didn't want to work as hard -- they wanted it given to them," she added.  As to the reason there are a disporprotionate amount of African Americans in prison, Kern says, "Is this just because they're black that they're in prison or could it be because they didn't want to work hard in school?" Kern asked, according to an official transcript.  In response to the criticism and fury over her words, Kern responded, "My words do not represent my heart and my actions of the last 60 years...My husband is a pastor of a diverse, inner-city church and the way that my words came out last night is certainly not my true spirit." She went on to say, "I've asked the Lord to forgive me for my careless words, I hope you will find it in your heart to accept it."  Representative Kern was censured after a vote of the House, 76-16 and then made a public apology.  Yet there were members of the House such as  Representative Paul Wesselhoft (R), who is an ordained Southern Baptist Minister, said that the reprimand, "flies in the face of every Sunday school lesson I’ve ever had.”  Really?  It makes me wonder what they taught in his Sunday School Classes.  I also would like to know what exactly they teach about the comments that got her in trouble?  But then again, Rep. Kern is the wife of a Pastor of a Southern Baptist Church. Hmm.  No reason to be suspicious there right

So what then is all the fuss about?  After all, didn't Vice President Biden say something about Obama?  Joe Biden, when talking about Obama in the primaries, said it was nice to have a black candidate that was "clean" and "articulate?". And the Senate majority leader Harry Reid said Obama was elected because he was lighter skinned and lacked a "Negro dialect?"  Well, aren't they racists too?  Aren't the Democrats just playing the "race card" to when the elections in 2012?  Aren't these Republicans being wrongfully branded as racist?  Didn't they finally "apologize" after strong rebuke and public outcry.  After all, haven't they been "GOOD TO YOU PEOPLE?!"  Don't they each have at least one African American friend who can and will attest to the kindness of these kind white folks? 
     Well VP Biden's commits in context weren't racist. And Senator Reid's point was actually valid, however, these candidates "manned" up to their mistakes.  They apologized directly to President Obama and the public.  They didn't wait for a party vote to offer a "sincere apology".  And that speaks to the sincerity of the apology and the intentions of their statements. 
     And perhaps  I am most offended by the repeated references to these Republicans "token" African American friends as excuse for the comments as well as some sort of "proof" of non-racist intent.   Each of the candidates said they have "a black friend" or that they do alot for "black people".  Well, HELLO WORLD: so did Miss Millie.  And in fact that was in part the source of Miss Millie's hubris as well as for  these idiots.  In fact there were slaves who fought alongside their masters for the South during the Civil War.  Some slaves even saved or rescued their master during the war.  So what then, is slavery not to be condemned? Was the war really just about economics?  Really?!
     Well, why do I keep calling them idiots? Well they themselve have implied they are so.  Or are they just blatantly incompetent.  Each of these individuals is at least 60.  How then could they say they are unaware of the racial tensions and stereotypes in this country, past and present?  Where they all in time capsules when Dr. King Marched on Washington?   Did they really miss the signs that said "colored" and "white"? Or the signs that said "no niggers allowed"?  Or do they miss them now?  How is it people who have volunteered for and accepted the responsibility for making laws or upholding them be so ignorant of legal precedents?  Rep. Kern's statements came during a debate concerning state sanctioned Affirmative Action.  She was arguing against affirmative action and trying to pass a bill to do away with it.  My question for her is does racism no longer exist?  Well from the stories above I would say that YES, it does absolutely exist!  But again, after all, Miss Millie can always use a maid.
 **Below: the top clip is of Miss Sophia and Miss Millie's first encounter. The bottom is of Miss Millie "helping" Miss Sophia.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Maybe Oklahomans are Just Lazy: Letter to Representaive Sally Kern

I have decided to share with you what I felt necessary to tell State Representative Sally Kerns via email.  
Hello Representative Kern,
This email is in regards to your recent statements concerning the work ethic of minorities and women. 
    First, I when I first heard such a thing I really found it hard to believe.  However amongst the other racist things that are circulating within the Republican party these days I guess I should find much difficult to believe.  Before I took the time to write to you I wanted to be sure of a couple of things.  Particularly pertaining to economic statistics amonst minorities and women.  According to the information provided, in 2009, women working Full time made $36,278 and their male counterparts made $47,127.  *That is 77% more earned income for male  individuals than for women who BOTH  work full time.  So it is not fair to say to these women in particular that they are not making the same money as men because they stay at home.  I know many more women who work 2 jobs to support their families than I have known who are stay at home moms.  Blacks in this country earned $32,584, between **62%-65% less than the national average and their white counterparts.
The median income for the state of Oklahoma was about $10,000 less than the National Median Income. So would you then conclude this is because, well, Oklahomans just don't work as hard as other states in the country? Oh no, God forbid right? I mean but we have both worked with Oklahomans right?
I am a woman and a minority. I worked 2-3 jobs including working in the Public School System for 3 years, in preparation for my Ph.D.  I have 3 college degrees -all from accredited Oklahoma Universities. Many of my friends are from Oklahoma and are minorities and women. Yet they are also Ph.D.'s, Lawyers, Medical Doctors, Chemists, Engineers, Certified Financial Analysts for fortune 500 firms, business owners and MBA's, and oh yes of course several are single mothers.  I know many raised in the projects and ghettos in Oklahoma who have attended top Universities and schools such as MIT and Marquette University, Spelman College, Morehouse.   So I shouldn't have to tell you how ignorant you sound.  Even on your website where you attempted to clean up your mess. 
The President of the United States is an African American and  He also graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School.  Yet you prefer to pertuate the stereotypes of old.  And have traded integrity and grace for politics. And I for one, as well as several others are not only offended, I am disgusted. 
As for your comments concerning your tenure as a teacher, after working in the school systems and seeing "Waiting for Superman", I am not going to accept that as a qualification for bigotry or ignorance or you electing to become the spokesperson for both.
Oh and by the way, yes the friends that I mentioned above, they are Christians too.  And we, Madam Representative are praying for you.  But more importantly that such ignorance shall be removed and that clarity and insight shall prosper.

*T reposted this as I had sent it to Rep. Kerns, but I actually mis-wrote the percent. I believe should read ratio. The percentages are ratios comparing the differences in income. 
**The effect is the same in propotion to the difference in Oklahoma's median income and that of the national median income.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The President is Black, But the Dream is Still Deferred

     Now I must admit I was trying to remain neutral and give the raci-oops I mean the Republicans a chance to exonorate themselves. The opportunity to say, "hey, Obama is a citizen and hey, we are asses."  but hello world! That hasn't happened.  I was trying to maintain because I have always been on team Trump.  I have read several of his books, watched his shows and interviews and have thought well of him. However,  had there been any doubt that the attacks and assaults on President Obama were racially motivated, it has been pushed to the side by the strong arm of racist rhetoric and unabridged egomania.  Whatever do I mean?  Well, the facts are this. 
        Since President Obama finally took the time to produce a birth certificate, now Mr. Trump has stated that President Obama needs also to produce his school records! THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED! Trump says that he has heard that President Obama didn't good marks, so how did he manage to go to Columbia? How did he manage to go to Harvard?   Trump suggests that Obama made it in because of Affirmitve Action.   The fact is  Obama was the editor of the HARVARD LAW REVIEW, the school's highest student honor, and that he graduated Magna Cum Laude. Obama's professor has stated that "Obama was undoubtly the best researcher he has ever had."  So is Obama's hard work attributed to Affirmitive Action?  Is that why he finished with top honors?  As if that statement wasn't brandish and racist enough in its implications here is one factor that not Trump nor the Republicans are citing.  Their beloved President George W. Bush was such a terrible student, that even his private school teacher and advisors didn't think he could get into Yale.  W. himself has said he wasn't a good student.  And despite the fact that he was at best a "C" student, how did this "C" student get into Yale? No worries, this isn't a trick question the answer is simple-his white family's money. And BTW, he wasn't a good student at Yale either.  In fact, despite having an undergraduate degree from YALE, George W. wasn't even accepted to the University of Texas School of LAW!!!  And of course an even greater question- how then did this man end up at  Harvard Business Schoool?  Yet, in the 8 years that George W. was in office-- his academic credentials were never brought into question or requested-by EITHER PARTY!!! And Republicans and W. supporters are offended that people actually call him an idiot! And then of course its considered disrespectful to his office-his position.  When has Obama been any less disrespected?
     Now, when Kanye came out and called BUSH a racist and said "Bush doesn't care about Black people"- the white world went into a frenzy! And Blacks were of course simply believed to be following traditional racial suspicions.  However, for those who claim to be so "for Black People" they are conspicuously quiet now.  And it is the silence of individuals that often speaks the LOUDEST!  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends".   As one Democratic rep has said, he is surprised more Republicans aren't speaking out in defense of OBAMA at this point, before the Birth Certificate-but especially since.  Well, as he put it, he, a Democrat suggested that the idea that Bush was behind 9/11 was outrageous and when Democrats could've ridden on that train for votes and publicity, they didn't.  But now we can clearly see that this can't be said for Republicans now, can it?
     The fact is that when Bill Clinton left office, despite his indiscretions, there was a fiscal surplus.      However, this fact has never been so publicized as the ordeal with OBAMA's birth certificate.
When President Clinton left office, the federal budget was showing a $127-billion surplus.  The books are closed on fiscal 2008. The surplus President George W. Bush inherited has turned into a record deficit: $455 billion.  That is more than twice the 2007 deficit of $162 billion and beyond the previous record of $413 billion in 2004.  
 "Given the actual record of the two parties since 1993, the Republicans' advantage is richly ironic. Although the first three years of President Bill Clinton's administration included foreign policy disasters in Bosnia, Somalia, and Rwanda, Clinton steadily gained in confidence and ability. When he left office, the United States sat alone on the commanding heights as the world's only superpower and was also, according to contemporaneous Pew polls, the most admired and respected country in the world."
   The point here is simple.  That Bush, who had questionable records wasn't ever really questioned and is highly defended among your average (white) Republican, yet his record after his first term and especially after his second speaks for itself.  Now enter in OBAMA- not only the first Black President, the first to have his citizenship questioned, the first to have his academic integrity questioned while in office.  And yet the actual facts relevant to our country and the the true state of our union remains hidden beneath these smoke screens produced by racist AND YES I SAID RACIST Republicans to cover their incompentence and ineptitude in producing a quality President or Presidential Canidate for this generation.

Below is a short table to shed light on the situation presented to Bush when he entered office and the mess that was left to Obama when Bush left office.  Critics of Obama suggest that he should take responsiblity for his own mess. yet the question remains, where does Bush's mess end and Obama's begin?  Bush was handed a government that was progessive as Clinton achieved results every year that were quantively positive and were tangible to the people for the entire 8 years he was in office.  Bush's numbers are markedly different.  Clinton handed Bush progress and a healthy economy and Bush handed Obama a mess and a recession.  So the issue is not whether or not Obama should be taken to task on the situations at hand.  The issue is that HE IS NOT BEING TAKEN TO TASK ON THE ISSUES AT HAND.  Hello world! Here is a PSA announcement:
THERE ARE AFRICAN AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO DO NOT COMPLETELY AGREE WITH OBAMA'S IDEAOLOGY! And since some may not have realized, Oprah Winfrey doesn't speak for the entire African American race either!!! 
I apologize if to those who were confused about that before now.  But then again the people who are attacking Obama aren't broke.  They are not as afflicted by the poor economy as we are.  Gas prices mean nothing to people with trust funds, equities, jets and mansions. 

Median Household Income Decline under Bush:

2008: $52,029, 2004: $44,389,
2007: $50,233, 2003: $44,482
2006: $48,201, 2002: $45,062,
2005: $46,326, 2001: $46,058

Median Household Income Increase under Clinton:

2000: $46,129,   1996: $41,943,
1999: $45,003,   1995: $40,677,
1998: $43,430,    1994: $40,217
1997: $42,545     1993: $40,422


unEmployment Rate under Bush:

2001: 4.7%,   2005 5.1%,
2002: 5.8%,   2006: 4.6%,
2003: 6.0%,  2007: 4.6%
2004: 5.5%,  2008: 5.8%

unEmployment Rate under Clinton:

1993: 6.9%, 1997: 4.9%
 1994: 6.1%, 1998: 4.5%,
1995: 5.6%, 1999: 4.2%
1996: 5.4%, , 2000: 4.0%
 *** was the lowest after CLinton's term than it had been since 1970Source:

Poverty Rate under Bush:

2008: 13.2%, 2001: 11.7%,
2007: 12.5%, 2002: 12.1%
2006: 12.3%,  2003: 12.5%
2005: 12.6%,  2004: 12.7%

  Poverty Rate under Clinton:

1993: 15.1%, 1997: 13.3%,
1994: 14.5%,  1998: 12.7%,
1995: 13.8%, 1999: 11.9%
1996: 13.7%,   2000: 11.3%
