Saturday, April 30, 2011

The President is Black, But the Dream is Still Deferred

     Now I must admit I was trying to remain neutral and give the raci-oops I mean the Republicans a chance to exonorate themselves. The opportunity to say, "hey, Obama is a citizen and hey, we are asses."  but hello world! That hasn't happened.  I was trying to maintain because I have always been on team Trump.  I have read several of his books, watched his shows and interviews and have thought well of him. However,  had there been any doubt that the attacks and assaults on President Obama were racially motivated, it has been pushed to the side by the strong arm of racist rhetoric and unabridged egomania.  Whatever do I mean?  Well, the facts are this. 
        Since President Obama finally took the time to produce a birth certificate, now Mr. Trump has stated that President Obama needs also to produce his school records! THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED! Trump says that he has heard that President Obama didn't good marks, so how did he manage to go to Columbia? How did he manage to go to Harvard?   Trump suggests that Obama made it in because of Affirmitve Action.   The fact is  Obama was the editor of the HARVARD LAW REVIEW, the school's highest student honor, and that he graduated Magna Cum Laude. Obama's professor has stated that "Obama was undoubtly the best researcher he has ever had."  So is Obama's hard work attributed to Affirmitive Action?  Is that why he finished with top honors?  As if that statement wasn't brandish and racist enough in its implications here is one factor that not Trump nor the Republicans are citing.  Their beloved President George W. Bush was such a terrible student, that even his private school teacher and advisors didn't think he could get into Yale.  W. himself has said he wasn't a good student.  And despite the fact that he was at best a "C" student, how did this "C" student get into Yale? No worries, this isn't a trick question the answer is simple-his white family's money. And BTW, he wasn't a good student at Yale either.  In fact, despite having an undergraduate degree from YALE, George W. wasn't even accepted to the University of Texas School of LAW!!!  And of course an even greater question- how then did this man end up at  Harvard Business Schoool?  Yet, in the 8 years that George W. was in office-- his academic credentials were never brought into question or requested-by EITHER PARTY!!! And Republicans and W. supporters are offended that people actually call him an idiot! And then of course its considered disrespectful to his office-his position.  When has Obama been any less disrespected?
     Now, when Kanye came out and called BUSH a racist and said "Bush doesn't care about Black people"- the white world went into a frenzy! And Blacks were of course simply believed to be following traditional racial suspicions.  However, for those who claim to be so "for Black People" they are conspicuously quiet now.  And it is the silence of individuals that often speaks the LOUDEST!  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends".   As one Democratic rep has said, he is surprised more Republicans aren't speaking out in defense of OBAMA at this point, before the Birth Certificate-but especially since.  Well, as he put it, he, a Democrat suggested that the idea that Bush was behind 9/11 was outrageous and when Democrats could've ridden on that train for votes and publicity, they didn't.  But now we can clearly see that this can't be said for Republicans now, can it?
     The fact is that when Bill Clinton left office, despite his indiscretions, there was a fiscal surplus.      However, this fact has never been so publicized as the ordeal with OBAMA's birth certificate.
When President Clinton left office, the federal budget was showing a $127-billion surplus.  The books are closed on fiscal 2008. The surplus President George W. Bush inherited has turned into a record deficit: $455 billion.  That is more than twice the 2007 deficit of $162 billion and beyond the previous record of $413 billion in 2004.  
 "Given the actual record of the two parties since 1993, the Republicans' advantage is richly ironic. Although the first three years of President Bill Clinton's administration included foreign policy disasters in Bosnia, Somalia, and Rwanda, Clinton steadily gained in confidence and ability. When he left office, the United States sat alone on the commanding heights as the world's only superpower and was also, according to contemporaneous Pew polls, the most admired and respected country in the world."
   The point here is simple.  That Bush, who had questionable records wasn't ever really questioned and is highly defended among your average (white) Republican, yet his record after his first term and especially after his second speaks for itself.  Now enter in OBAMA- not only the first Black President, the first to have his citizenship questioned, the first to have his academic integrity questioned while in office.  And yet the actual facts relevant to our country and the the true state of our union remains hidden beneath these smoke screens produced by racist AND YES I SAID RACIST Republicans to cover their incompentence and ineptitude in producing a quality President or Presidential Canidate for this generation.

Below is a short table to shed light on the situation presented to Bush when he entered office and the mess that was left to Obama when Bush left office.  Critics of Obama suggest that he should take responsiblity for his own mess. yet the question remains, where does Bush's mess end and Obama's begin?  Bush was handed a government that was progessive as Clinton achieved results every year that were quantively positive and were tangible to the people for the entire 8 years he was in office.  Bush's numbers are markedly different.  Clinton handed Bush progress and a healthy economy and Bush handed Obama a mess and a recession.  So the issue is not whether or not Obama should be taken to task on the situations at hand.  The issue is that HE IS NOT BEING TAKEN TO TASK ON THE ISSUES AT HAND.  Hello world! Here is a PSA announcement:
THERE ARE AFRICAN AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO DO NOT COMPLETELY AGREE WITH OBAMA'S IDEAOLOGY! And since some may not have realized, Oprah Winfrey doesn't speak for the entire African American race either!!! 
I apologize if to those who were confused about that before now.  But then again the people who are attacking Obama aren't broke.  They are not as afflicted by the poor economy as we are.  Gas prices mean nothing to people with trust funds, equities, jets and mansions. 

Median Household Income Decline under Bush:

2008: $52,029, 2004: $44,389,
2007: $50,233, 2003: $44,482
2006: $48,201, 2002: $45,062,
2005: $46,326, 2001: $46,058

Median Household Income Increase under Clinton:

2000: $46,129,   1996: $41,943,
1999: $45,003,   1995: $40,677,
1998: $43,430,    1994: $40,217
1997: $42,545     1993: $40,422


unEmployment Rate under Bush:

2001: 4.7%,   2005 5.1%,
2002: 5.8%,   2006: 4.6%,
2003: 6.0%,  2007: 4.6%
2004: 5.5%,  2008: 5.8%

unEmployment Rate under Clinton:

1993: 6.9%, 1997: 4.9%
 1994: 6.1%, 1998: 4.5%,
1995: 5.6%, 1999: 4.2%
1996: 5.4%, , 2000: 4.0%
 *** was the lowest after CLinton's term than it had been since 1970Source:

Poverty Rate under Bush:

2008: 13.2%, 2001: 11.7%,
2007: 12.5%, 2002: 12.1%
2006: 12.3%,  2003: 12.5%
2005: 12.6%,  2004: 12.7%

  Poverty Rate under Clinton:

1993: 15.1%, 1997: 13.3%,
1994: 14.5%,  1998: 12.7%,
1995: 13.8%, 1999: 11.9%
1996: 13.7%,   2000: 11.3%
